About the park

Help Shape Oakden Park’s New Play Area!

The City of Launceston is excited to announce the installation of new play equipment at Oakden Park in Youngtown, and we want it to reflect the preferences of our local community and park visitors.

Youngtown’s Oakden Park is currently an underused space, awaiting transformation into a vibrant community park. Your feedback is crucial in helping us select the most suitable play equipment for this space!

The plan is to install five key pieces of equipment, which include the following:

  • Main Play Unit

  • Imaginative Play

  • Sensory Play

  • Swings

  • Active Play

Additionally, part of the park will be preserved as a green, open area for passive recreation, with tree planting already underway to provide shade and shelter. A path will also be installed, connecting Raglan Street to Enterprize Drive.

How to get involved...
  • Vote for your preferred pieces of play equipment by clicking on the Vote here! tab. Make sure you get your votes in by Friday, 20 December 2024. Voting now closed and votes being counted.
  • Looking for more details? The timeline, FAQ and contact information panels have everything you need.
What will happen with the voting?

After voting closes, we’ll share the results on this page and keep you informed as the project moves forward into the construction and installation stages.

To stay updated, click the + Follow button at the top of the page or check back here regularly!

Park layout

Indicative layout of Oakden Park

Picture of the indicative layout of the equipment at Oakden Park.

Vote here!

How to Participate:

  • If you have young ones, be sure to involve them in the voting process!
  • Cast your vote by selecting either Option A or Option B for each of the five equipment categories.
  • Important - after each vote, press ‘Submit.’ (Your vote won't be counted if you don't press submit after each vote)
  • At the end, we’ll ask two questions to learn more about who we are hearing from.

Make sure to submit your votes by Friday, 20 December 2024. Voting now closed.