Urban Greening Strategy

Urban Greening Strategy

Following extensive engagement with the community and stakeholders over a twelve-month period (2022-2023), City of Launceston has endorsed the city's first Urban Greening Strategy.

The Urban Greening Strategy aims to deliver a strategic greening approach that includes trees, shrubs, grasslands, structures (such as green roofs, walls, arbours) and other vegetation on public and private lands.

While Launceston is known for its leafy parks and significant trees, the urban forest that people enjoy today only covers around 19% of the urban area and lacks species diversity. This Strategy sets out a bold target aimed at more than doubling the canopy cover to 40% across our municipality by 2040.

This Strategy aims to deliver five key themes and targets (see figure 1):

Figure 1: Launceston's Urban Greening Vision, Key Themes and Targets.

What's next?

We have developed a plan on how the Urban Greening Strategy will be delivered. Click on the 'Implementation' tab above which covers how the strategic vision and actions will be achieved.

Currently, we are undertaking community engagement to inform the first of the Urban Greening Precinct Plans for Mayfield. To find out more, click on the link below.


Urban Greening Implementation Plan

The Urban Greening Strategy puts forward principles and themes that will guide the long-term planning, development and management of the City of Launceston’s Urban Greening. It also outlines a set of targets to evaluate the success of implementation.

An Urban Greening Implementation Plan has been developed and sets out how Council plans to meet the vision and targets of the Urban Greening Strategy.

The Implementation Plan is also intended to indirectly guide other aspects of council operations, such as specifications and policies relating to green infrastructure, as well as development assessment and open space management.

Community approach required

Implementation of actions to green our city will require a community-wide approach, with participation from organisations, businesses, and individuals, and will encourage the greening of private land.

Here are a few ways you can stay up to date and get involved:

  1. Click on the '+ Follow' button located at the top left of this page to stay informed as the actions within the Implementation Plan are undertaken.
  2. View the Urban Greening Implementation Plan
  3. Check out the Neighbourhood Precinct Plans below.
  4. Learn about the benefits of trees and how to plant and care for a tree!

Neighbourhood Precinct Plans

As part of the Implementation Plan, neighbourhood precinct plans are being developed for priority suburbs. The precinct plans will focus on creating green and shaded streets around schools, bus stops and active transport routes, as well as new planting in parks and reserves.

These plans will help us to prioritise streets to be planted and establish targets for each year of planting. They outline what trees will be planted where, when and why over a period of five (5) years.

See below the current precincts as they are identified and plans are developed.

Click here to download the poster on how to plant and care for a tree!

Steps on how to plant and care for a tree

Past Engagement

Urban Greening Strategy engagement

Consultation on the Urban Greening Strategy concluded in March 2023. If you've only just tuned in - read below to see how we got to where we are now!

How people got involved:

  1. Check out the DRAFT Strategy here and type your feedback directly onto the document. (or Click here to view PDF version)
  2. Drop a pin on the map to share your ideas on how to improve the greening in your neighbourhood
  3. Check out the supporting documents found on the right e.g. FAQ's and Pictures
  4. If you would like to stay informed about this project, then please subscribe to the 'Stay Informed' box to the right.